Islamic Calendar


how do i look?? =D


emm...i dunno wad 2 say bout myself..the worth thing iz i'm a lil bit crazy..haha...but..sometimes i'm too sensitive...i dunno wad 2 do...but i'm trying 2 control myself in order 2 make other people feel happy n comfortable wif willing 2 sacrifice 4 others so that can make their life epy!!! that is the best way of life 2 happy...juz make others happy 2 happy!= )

My photo
kulim, kedah, Malaysia
come on!!! take a look!! who's me??? just click the caption below :)


Monday, May 24, 2010


hmm..ntahh la.desperado..malaysia ke mesir....adoy...takot gak g ke mesir nu x leh memikiorkn peluang...hmmm....kalau kat malaysia pon,....sme je degree nye..keje n wat mase skunk...atiku berat untuk menuntut ilmu d perantauan coz keberkatan bumi anbiya..insyaAllah aku akn amik semangat juang para syahid n syuhada d sana...caiyok!!!! =) Smoga Allah tetapkan hatiku ini n juga niatku ini supaya bersungguh2 menimba ilmu..plz laaa jgn bg aku men2!!! huhu...